Enact the policies, procedures, 以及漏洞管理流程,以构建跨组织的协作, perform remediations, and measure the impact of your efforts.
专家使用InsightVM领先的VRM技术进行全面的资产发现, cloud configuration, container assessment, reporting, and more.
在出现新漏洞时改进新出现的威胁响应. 利用威胁情报洞察和访问最新CVE检查来优化您的风险管理.
This isn’t a commodity VM scanner. 成千上万的客户信任InsightVM——Rapid7业界领先的VRM解决方案——来清晰地了解他们的风险敞口, extend security's influence across the organization, and see shared progress with technical teams. And with experts using, guiding, 并根据您的业务定制MVM服务-或漏洞管理即服务(VMaaS), 你可以利用InsightVM的完整功能来推动你的程序向前发展.
攻击浮出水面,不良行为者的数量每天都在扩大范围和规模. You may have a very capable team, but as security vulnerabilities increase, 要控制100%的风险敞口是很困难的. VMaaS可以帮助您将日常操作交给专家,这些专家提供每个漏洞所需的细粒度关注. 漏洞管理和扫描有助于将覆盖范围扩展到整个攻击面,以便您的程序可以更全面地运行.
Every security organization is different. 他们通常会采用相同或类似的宏进程来构建VM程序, 但是使它完全独特的是在程序的工作流程中需要考虑的特定业务需求.
确定这些标准是你的团队的工作——或者你可以与之合作 our VMaaS experts to help you define them – but typically a VM program should include: complete visibility into your IT environment; tailored reporting for various audiences; risk prioritization; automation of processes across your ecosystem.
Working with Rapid7 SOC experts, you’ll receive tailored recommendations to manage, execute, 并优化整个环境的补救措施,降低您的整体风险暴露. 您的专用安全顾问将努力了解您的环境,以交付维护项目活动和交付物可见性所需的一致性. The benefits of Rapid7 Managed VM include the ability to offload scan operations, leverage threat intelligence, establish repeatable processes, gain full access to InsightVM, and much more.
管理漏洞管理程序过程需要监督识别, evaluation, treatment, and reporting of vulnerabilities in your environment. This risk-management process is an evolution, as new vulnerabilities 是否发现了新系统并将其添加到环境中. 当您的团队测量每个漏洞的严重程度时,这也是一种优先级的练习.
Common methods for vulnerability management include: